A serenity, meditation, or zen garden is your own private getaway, conveniently located in your backyard. Creating a serenity garden doesn’t have to be an expensive undertaking. With some good planning and design (which is all part of the fun), you can create your own serenity garden on any budget. Here are some of the important things to consider in order to ensure that your serenity garden achieves its goal of peace and tranquility.
Planning Your Perfect Serenity Garden
When you begin planning your serenity garden, remember that this will be a space meant for you. It is a gift you are giving to yourself. If you are used to putting everyone else’s needs before your own, it may not be easy to get into this seemingly selfish state of mind. Spend some time relaxing or meditating to center your thoughts on yourself.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are already sitting in your serenity garden. What does it feel like? What can you hear, smell and feel? What can you see? Imagine that you are barefoot. What does the ground feel like under your feet?
Write everything down, and don’t self-edit. Write everything down even if it seems silly. If it’s easier for you to say everything out loud into a voice recorder so that you can stay in your meditative frame of mind, do that instead.
Looking through images online or in books can be wonderfully inspirational, but don’t expect to find a ready-made serenity garden that is perfect for you. Mix and match elements that you like. Go old-school and cut pictures out of magazines and glue them onto a poster to help you envision your serenity garden.
Here are some elements you might consider, based on your five senses. There are no right or wrong answers; the point is that your serenity garden will be uniquely yours.
- Is your serenity garden sunny or shady? Would you prefer the texture of pebble pathways or of smooth stones? Do you want to sit on a swing, a bench, or a hammock? Will you be bothered by mosquitoes? Will you need protection from the rain? What sensations make you feel relaxed or tense, and how can you incorporate or avoid those in your serenity garden?
- Do you enjoy the sound of wind chimes? Or do you prefer the sound of a water fountain? Do you like to hear birds chirping? Are you close to a busy street and need protection from outside noises?
- Do you enjoy fragrant flowers or herbs? Which are your favorites? Do you need protection from noxious smells, such as gas fumes from a nearby street? What are some other smells that make you feel at peace, and how can you incorporate them into your serenity garden?
- Do you like watching wildlife eating food from a feeder? Could you spend hours watching fish swimming around a pond? What colors make you feel relaxed? Are there certain shapes or symbols that inspire you? Are you a fan of outdoor sculptures and garden art? Do you need to screen yourself from an ugly junkyard next door? Do you want the garden to be lit up at night?
- Would you like to be able to munch on fresh fruits in your serenity garden? Do you enjoy drinking herbal teas? Think about how you can incorporate edible plants into your serenity garden.
Getting Started
Once you have a clear vision for your serenity garden, it’s time to begin putting your plan into action. Using your sketches and descriptions as a guide, use wooden stakes and string to outline the actual space where you want your serenity garden to be.
Mark the places where you plan to have a sitting area, a pond or fountain, a pergola, a path through a flower garden, a privacy screen, or whatever else you want in your special space. The next thing you should do is prioritize what needs to be done first. Flattening and leveling the ground is a great first step.
Also, if you’re installing a pond, it will be easier to do that before you plant delicate flowers in the area, for example. In general, it’s a good idea to put plants in last.
Make a list of all of the materials you need. On paper, it will look like your serenity garden will cost a fortune, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You can acquire a lot of materials at low or no cost at builder’s surplus stores, classified ads, by asking around, and by paying attention to local sales.
You can even put out your own “In Search Of” advertisement in the local paper or online group. Start your plants by seed to save money, or ask your friends or neighbors to let you know when they will be separating some of their plants, which is common with hostas, raspberries, strawberries, and more.
Be prepared to take your time if you are on a budget. Don’t make the creation of your zen garden a stressful endeavor. Be at peace with the process and enjoy your space whenever you can, no matter what stage it is in.
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