With its thick scaled tail, beaklike jaws, and spiked shell, the alligator snapping turtle is often called “the dinosaur of the turtle world.” Did you know that the alligator snapping turtle feeds by wiggling a pink appendage in its mouth which lures fish? There are many alligator snapping turtle facts that you need to discover. Read on to discover more facts.
Do you know that the size of a snapper is relative to a 6-ft man? The alligator snapping turtle fun facts awaiting you ahead will definitely amaze you.
Alligator Snappers Are The Largest Freshwater Turtles In North America
They can weigh as much as 200 pounds and can grow to 2.5 feet long. They have a long, thick shell, and a large, heavy head.
The Alligator Snapping Turtle Catches Prey By A Clever Evolutionary Adaptation
The alligator snapping turtle tongue has a pink appendage that when wriggled appears like a worm. This is used to fool fish. The fish that gets fooled will swim right to the turtle’s tongue and it will not escape the hungry predator’s jaws.
The Alligator Snapping Turtle Is Mostly Carnivorous
The alligator snapping turtle diet is made up of snakes, crayfish, clams, worms, frogs, and fish. It also eats other turtles. In one study carried out in Louisiana, around 80% of the stomach content of adult snappers was made up of other turtles.
Snappers are opportunistic feeders and they usually hunt at night. They attract prey by positioning themselves at the bottom of murky water and opening their jaws to reveal their tongues, which are pink, small, and appear like worm-like lures.
They Can Be Dangerous
This turtle species can bite and they have been rare cases of human fingers being bitten off. However, no human deaths have been reported. These turtles are potentially dangerous and should be handled with caution.
The Heaviest Alligator Snapping Turtle Ever Discovered Weighed 403 Pounds
The number one alligator snapping turtle fact relates to it being the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world. So far, the heaviest alligator snapping turtle ever discovered weighed 403 pounds and it was found in Kansas in 1937. Another large snapper in Chicago allegedly weighed 249 pounds.
They Can Be Kept As Pets
Do you want a pet alligator snapping turtle? You will need to obtain a permit from your state to be able to keep this reptile as a pet. In most states, you don’t require a permit to breed the eggs of the turtle. However, keeping this turtle as a pet requires a lot of time and effort. As they age, they have to be handled with care.
This is a high-maintenance pet. The pet owner will need to build a special pool; the water of the pool has to be kept between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Water has to be changed two times a week. A full-spectrum reptile light is required.
Alligator Snappers Spend Most Of Their Lives In Water
The only time that they come out of the water is when the females trudge inland to nest. A snapper can stay submerged for up to 50 minutes before surfacing for fresh air.
Adult Snappers Have No Natural Predators Other Than Humans
They are captured for food and their shells. The alligator snapping turtle shell is commonly sold in the exotic animal trade. Unregulated harvesting has led to a severe reduction in population which has made this turtle to be listed as a threatened species.
They Are Found Primarily In The Waters Of The Southeastern United States
They are found in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, and Florida. In South Africa, there are non-native populations of alligator snapping turtles.
It Was Given Its Name Because Of Its Shell And Powerful Jaws
The distinct ridges on the snapper’s shell resemble the ridged and rough skin of an alligator. Just like alligators, they have powerful jaws. This amazing reptile has many alligator snapping turtle facts. It is always interesting to observe it in real life.
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