When it comes to crows, most people are familiar with the image of a sleek-looking solid black bird. But are all crows black? No, they aren’t. Here’s what you’ll want to know.
The American Crow Is Not All Crows
The American crow is found throughout most of North America, all the way from Canada down to the United States and into Mexico. It is an all-black medium size bird. In North America, when the term “crow” is used, the American crow is the bird most people are referring to.
And because so many people are familiar with the American crow, it is often used as a stand-in for all “crows.” However, there are actually many different species of crows that can be found all over the world. And each of those species is unique. In fact, crows belong to a genus of birds known as Corvus. The Corvus genus has over 40 different species of birds.
In addition to crows, it includes ravens, jackdaws, and rooks. Many of these closely related birds look similar and have similar traits. And many of them are also called “crows” in their local region.
For example, in the UK, the carrion crow is the species most people simply recognize as “crows.” However, in Australia, if you say “crow,” most people will assume you are referring to either the Australian raven or the Torresian crow.
Are All Crows Black?
While the majority of crow species have black plumage, there are exceptions. Some crows have patches of white, gray, or even other colors. For example, the pied crow is black, although it has a large patch of white from its shoulders to its lower breast. And the white-necked raven, while primarily black, has a big patch of white feathers on the nape of its neck.
The brown-necked raven is a predominantly black bird with a head and neck that are brown. And many crows have an iridescent sheen on their feathers, making them look purple, blue, or green when seen in specific lighting and at different angles. For instance, the American crow, fish crow, common raven, Australian raven, and carrion crow all have iridescent feathers.
There are also several rare genetic conditions that can cause crows to be white or partially white, such as piebaldism, leucism, and albinism. Piebald crows typically have irregular patches of white. That’s because only certain areas of their body cannot produce melanin (the pigment that gives crows their black color). Leucistic crows, on the other hand, have a partial loss of all pigments, not just melanin.
So these crows may be lighter in color overall, partially white, or even totally white. However, they always have dark-colored eyes. Albino crows have a total loss of pigment, giving them extremely light or white feathers in addition to eyes that are always pink. These genetic conditions are very rare, and many crows with them don’t survive to adulthood because they are easier to spot by predators.
Why Are Crows Black?
Most crows have evolved to be black or mostly black because it benefits them. Black is an excellent color when it comes to camouflage. It helps crows to blend into the shadows and remain undetected by predators. In addition, having black feathers helps crows to stay warm when it’s cold.
Black feathers absorb more sunlight than feathers of other colors. This helps birds with black plumage to heat up faster. At the same time, being black also helps crows to stay cool. When it gets hot black feathers help to radiate heat away from the body more efficiently than those of other colors as well.
And as for the science behind their color, crows are black because their feathers have a high level of the pigment melanin. More specifically, they have a high concentration of eumelanin, the type of melanin that is responsible for giving birds black or dark brown feathers.
So are all crows black? No, however, most crow species are totally black or mainly black in color. And having black plumage helps them to hide from predators and regulate their body temperature. The pigment specifically responsible for their black feathers is eumelanin, which is a type of melanin.
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