Birds That Look Like Owls

Owls are typically solitary and mainly nocturnal birds. And although these well-known hooting creatures have a rather distinctive physical appearance, there are actually various other kinds of birds that resemble owls closely. And people sometimes mix them up. So here’s a list of birds that look like owls to help you tell them apart.


Owls and ospreys both have outer toes that they can reverse. No other birds of prey share that trait. However ospreys or “sea hawks” are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day.

This fact may help people to quickly differentiate between them as the majority of owls are active at night. Ospreys are also almost always found near bodies of water as they feed on fish. And their heads are mainly white with dark stripes across their eyes.

Birds That Look Like Owls




Kites are birds that look similar to owls as well. These birds of prey have delicate legs and lengthy wings. Many species of kites look like owls thanks to their eyes that face frontwards. Some kites are nocturnal as well, making the owl similarities even stronger.

Birds That Look Like Owls




Hawks are sizable and diurnal birds of prey that hunt small animals. And while they make look similar certain physical characteristics can make it easier to differentiate between hawks and owls. Owls have noticeably big eyes and faces that are round in shape.

Hawks, on the other hand, have tiny eyes and rather pointed features. It can help to pay attention to the shapes of their bodies as well. Owl bodies tend to be thicker and more “solid” in appearance.

Birds That Look Like Owls




Harriers are diurnal hawks that have tails and legs that are noticeably long. There are roughly 11 species of harriers. Northern harriers are particularly owl-looking birds. While Northern harriers aren’t owl kin at all, they do have similar flat disk-shaped faces that are quite owl-like. In addition to their top-notch hunting skills and sharp hearing like owls Northern harriers also can travel and hunt in minimal light.

Birds That Look Like Owls




Falcons are a lot like owls in that they’re birds of prey that reside everywhere outside of Antarctica. These diurnal creatures have lengthy wings. Falcons are remarkably fast, too. Owls, like falcons, have talons that are especially sharp. They have strong vision and beaks that curve noticeably as well. As far as hunting approaches go, falcons and eagles have a lot in common.

Birds That Look Like Owls



Owl Finches

When it comes to pet birds that look like owls owl finches definitely fit that description. These long-tailed grass finches hail from Australia and are compact in size. They resemble little owls thanks to their prominent markings. Dark marks surround their faces and people often compare them specifically to barn owls.

These finches make pleasant pets. They’re curious creatures that tend to be a cinch to own. Owl finches are often favorites among folks who have never owned or looked after pet birds before.


Eagles are big birds of prey. They have sizable beaks. They have big feet as well. Although people are often familiar with the appearance of these birds, they sometimes do mix them up with owls. Like other predatory birds, they have a handful of commonalities including sharp beaks and talons.

However, eagle beaks are more substantial and are also lengthier. A couple of other components that can help people differentiate between owls and eagles are feather variety and wingspan. Eagle feathers are somewhat rigid in texture. Owl feathers in contrast are comparatively soft, fluffy, and fine. Eagle wingspans tend to be markedly larger.

Birds That Look Like Owls



Tawny Frogmouths

Tawny frogmouths are an Australian bird species.  These birds that look like owls are especially adaptable. They live in acacia woodlands, scrubland, forests, and elsewhere.

Because tawny frogmouths have sizable heads, somewhat sturdy builds, large eyes, nocturnal habits, and owl-like colors, it’s no wonder they are often mistakenly believed to be part of the owl family.  Tawny frogmouths actually have more in common with the nightjars.

Tawny frogmouths have weak talon-less feet and prefer to use their straight-pointed beaks to catch their favorite prey, insects. Unlike owls, their eyes are also located on the sides of their head.

Birds That Look Like Owls


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