Black Vulture Pictures

Black vultures aren’t typically thought of in a positive light. However, these important birds help to keep the environment free of disease and harmful bacteria by feeding on the remains of dead animals. But there are many more interesting things about them as well. So we’ve compiled some of the top black vulture pictures to show you just how amazing they really are.

Black Vulture Beak

The black vulture has a long and slender hooked beak which is ideal for tearing open animal carcasses. The tip of the beak becomes white in adulthood. Similar to the turkey vulture the beak is not divided by a septum so when it’s viewed from the side, you can actually see through it.

Black Vulture Pictures



Flock Of Black Vultures On A Farm Fence

As cattle ranchers will tell you, the stories of black vultures killing calves aren’t fiction. This species is a scavenger but is also well-known for killing defenseless newborn calves. They sometimes also target lambs, piglets, and other small livestock as well.

Black Vulture Pictures



Black Vultures Feeding

Black vultures feed in large groups. And when eating they can be aggressive often fighting with each other. While they may follow other vulture species such as the turkey vulture to a potential meal, they will typically chase them off of the carcass once they arrive on the scene.

Black Vulture Pictures



Black Vulture Roost

Black vultures gather in communal groups to roost. These roosts are made up of a large number of vultures. While some roosts may be occupied year-round others may only be used seasonally. One of the black vulture facts many people don’t know is that this species will roost with turkey vultures.

Black Vulture Pictures



Young Vultures With Parents

Juvenile black vultures can be distinguished from adults by their black beaks and the smooth black skin that covers their neck and head. In contrast, adults have dark beaks with white tips and a neck and head that are covered in gray wrinkled skin.

Black Vulture Pictures



Black Vulture Perched On A Statue

Black vultures prefer to perch on large dead trees but also on manmade structures. You’re likely to see pictures of black vultures perched on towers such as radio and cell phone towers which seem to be particular favorites. However, because their waste is highly corrosive this can cause structural damage and therefore be a safety concern.

Black Vulture Pictures



Black Vultures At The Dump

The black vulture is known for scavenging at garbage dumps. In areas where this species is found storing garbage in hard plastic trash bins with secure lids, and keeping dumpster lids and doors closed can help to keep it from identifying a property as a food source. Dead vulture decoys are also commonly used as a visual deterrent to keep them away.

Black Vulture Pictures



Black Vulture With Wings Spread

The average black vulture wingspan is around five feet. And while this is large compared to your average bird, it’s on the smaller side when compared to other vultures. Its broad wingspan and plank-like wings help this species to soar with little effort.

It’s not uncommon to see black vultures pictures where the bird is standing and spreading its wings. Many vulture species do this. This behavior helps a vulture to bake off bacteria, warm itself up, and to dry off its wings.

Black Vulture Pictures


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