For most of us, our first cup of coffee in the day is like a drink of ambrosia. Not only does it smell and taste delicious but it has many other advantages. Cats and coffee grounds do not go together. And this is great if you are having trouble with cats littering up your outdoor space, and destroying plants and saplings.
Naturally, you want to keep cats away from your yard and avoid the mess and chaos that they leave behind. It is easier to keep cats away from your property than you would think. You do not need to go to the store to buy a repellent or a device. All you need is coffee grounds cats detest.
Cats have a keen sense of smell and depend on it greatly. Smells tell them about their environment and of other cats and animals in their surroundings. There are certain smells that cats do not like, and this includes the fragrance of coffee. And this is why coffee grounds keep cats away.
How Do Coffee Grounds Repel Cats?
Coffee has a rich and delicious aroma that most people appreciate greatly. From the process of roasting the beans to grinding them and brewing them, your cup of coffee can fill the air with that intoxicating fragrance that you love. On the other hand, cats do not like the strong aroma of coffee. They find it quite disturbing and are likely to leave an area that has that particular smell.
If cats have been treating your garden or outdoor area like a giant litter box, you can encourage them to leave without much intervention. Simply place coffee grounds all over your outdoor space and it will act as a deterrent to your feline visitors.
In some cases, people have reported that the cats have tried to bury the coffee grounds or littered on it. To get a strong message across, you will need to continue placing coffee grounds around the garden and yard. Be sure to focus on the areas that the animals seem to frequent. If you have a sandbox in your backyard, the coffee grounds cat repellent will be useful in keeping cats away.
How To Place Coffee Grounds To Deter Cats
Placing coffee grounds in the garden to keep cats out is a simple and effective way to keep them away from your garden without having to chase them away. All you need to do is allow your coffee grounds to cool down completely before you place them on the topsoil in your garden.
Do not put the coffee grounds out while they are hot or warm, as it could damage the plants. Alternatively, you could cool and dry the coffee grounds and collect them in a bottle and place them evenly over the soil. You can also add them to your child’s sandbox or in parts of the yard where cats tend to go to the bathroom.
Adding coffee grounds to the topsoil also enriches it with nitrogen, in addition to keeping cats, slugs, and snails at bay. So, while cats and coffee grounds do not go well together, your garden will enjoy the benefits of receiving a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.
Start Shopping for Cat Repellents!
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