Crazy Looking Birds

There is an unbelievable number of bird species on the planet. And that means that there are a few that are bound to stand out in terms of their looks. So here are some crazy-looking birds, that you’ll not only be shocked to see but that you’ll want to learn more about.


With shaggy brown plumage that looks similar to hair and long blue necks emus definitely have a bizarre appearance. These large flightless Australian birds can reach heights of up to over 6 feet (1.9 meters) tall and have toes armed with dangerously sharp claws.

Crazy Looking Birds



White-Headed Vulture

It’s easy to tell white-headed vultures apart not just from other types of birds but other vulture species as well. Their contrasting black and white plumage is distinct but so is their white downy feathered head yet bare-skinned pink face. Unlike the majority of other vultures which strictly eat carrion, white-headed vultures are also predatory.

Crazy Looking Birds



Tufted Puffin

Puffins are birds that at first glance look like penguins because of their black and white plumage. However, a closer look reveals they have a very thick beak which gives them a very unique look. Tufted puffins are perhaps the craziest looking of all puffin species with their distinct yellow tufts. These tufts actually molt off and are re-grown each year.

Crazy Looking Birds



Rockhopper Penguin

Rockhopper penguins are crazy-looking birds that have red eyes, pink feet, orange beaks, and yellow and black spiky feathers on their heads. In fact, they look similar to punks from the 1980s. The spiky feathers develop with age. And while this unique physical characteristic makes them easy to distinguish from other types of penguins, because both males and females have them in order to tell them apart a DNA test is required.

Crazy Looking Birds



Spectacled Eider

Spectacled eiders have big circular eye patches which as their name suggests makes it seem as if they are wearing glasses. Both males and females have eye patches and these markings make it hard to confuse these large sea ducks with any other species.

Crazy Looking Birds



Great Frigate Bird

Great frigate birds have mostly black plumage. However male birds also have a striking red gular sac on their throat. This is used during the breeding season in an elaborate mating display which includes the males inflating their pouches and vibrating their wings as female birds fly overhead.

Crazy Looking Birds



Tawny Frogmouth

The tawny frogmouth has a big head and a wide flat beak that looks similar to the mouth of a frog when it’s opened. This crazy-looking bird has a fantastic method for keeping itself hidden. When afraid it will point its beak upwards and stretch out its body. In this position and with the help of its camouflaged plumage it looks exactly like a broken tree limb or stump.

Crazy Looking Birds



Grey Crowned Crane

Grey crowned cranes get their name from their grey plumage and the crown of golden feathers which they sport on their head. While these are strange-looking birds they are at the same time quite regal. This species is well-known not just for its looks but also its courtship display which includes dancing.

Crazy Looking Birds



Ground Hornbill

Ground hornbills are totally prehistoric-looking birds. In addition to having horn-like casques growing out of their heads, they have patches of bare blue skin around their eyes and on their throat. Males look even crazier since they also have an inflatable patch of red featherless skin on their throats as well.

Crazy Looking Birds



Golden Pheasant

The golden pheasant is also known as the Chinese pheasant. Males have stunning plumage which includes a distinct golden crest and red body. During courtship displays, these crazy-looking birds can actually spread the rusty-colored feathers on their necks over their beaks and heads just like a cape. In contrast, female golden pheasants are very plainly colored and have brown-mottled plumage.

Crazy Looking Birds


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