Do Roses Like Coffee Grounds

Do roses like coffee grounds? This is something many gardeners wonder about, especially since feeding roses coffee grounds has been a practice that’s been around a very long time. The answer is yes they do, and here’s what you’ll want to know.

Roses And Acidic Soil

While you may have heard that roses are acid-loving plants, this is only partly true. In fact, roses do their best in slightly acidic soil with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.9. (The sweet spot is considered to be about 6.5).

Soil conditions within this range allow nutrients to be in a state which roses can absorb easily. However, when the soil is either more acidic or more basic than these levels, roses will have problems absorbing vital nutrients from it, therefore, affecting the health of the plant.

Do Roses Like Coffee Grounds



Roses And Coffee Grounds

Fortunately used coffee grounds are often only slightly acidic and when used they can help to create the ideal soil conditions roses love. However, while used grounds are safe for roses, fresh grounds on the other hand are too acidic. Other than helping to lower the soil’s pH, applying used coffee grounds can also help to keep pests such as slugs and snails away from your precious rose bushes since they don’t like the caffeine.

Those aren’t the only reasons roses like coffee grounds. They also increase the soil quality and provide important nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium. And these help roses to grow healthy and strong which allows them to produce vibrant blooms.

Do Roses Like Coffee Grounds



How Are They Used?

When using coffee grounds for roses they are typically applied in a couple of ways. They may be added to compost piles or bins and then used as a soil amendment later on. Used grounds can also be sprinkled on top of the soil or mixed into the soil periodically.

Other Coffee-Loving Plants

Because of their many benefits, there are many other plants that like coffee grounds as well. Magnolias, azaleas, and daffodils are known to respond well to the use of grounds. Hydrangeas also love them too. In fact, by making the soil more acidic coffee grounds turn white hydrangeas blue over time. This can be an easy and free way to add some color to your garden and also give children a hands-on science lesson.

Do Roses Like Coffee Grounds

As you’ve just learned roses like coffee grounds, and so do many other garden plants. So don’t be so quick to toss those grounds in the trash, re-use them to help improve the health of your plants and soil instead. The blooms they produce will be well worth it.


Start Shopping for Rose Fertilizers!


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