You and your family may have opted to purchase a home that comes with a small lawn, and no one can blame your choice. After all, a house becomes a lot prettier and more inviting when there’s a patch of green and some colorful blooms — and it’s certainly a plus that a well-tended lawn increases the value of the property as well.

Having said that, it doesn’t mean that all homeowners would naturally be a pro at maintaining a beautiful, healthy lawn. If you’re a new property owner eager to learn how to take the best care of your little piece of nature, here are some helpful tips for practicing effective lawn care.

Mowing Your Lawn

It may seem like any teenager handed a lawn mower can successfully push the machine all over a lawn and get the best results, but this task involves a little more thought and care than that. Professionals will tell you to mow as needed (the frequency may change depending on the season) and to follow the one-third rule.

Watering Right

The best time to water the lawn would be in the early morning; the grass will be able to drink up the water it needs to thrive and the early morning sunrise will effectively dry the lawn to reduce the chances of disease setting in from prolonged moisture.

Also, water only once or twice a week, but enough to wet the soil deep down. This will cause the roots to grow longer and become more tolerant to drought.

Feed Your Grass

Your lawn needs food and this comes in the form of fertilizer. As a general rule, those living in the northern United States should fertilize in fall and spring while those in the south must do it in spring and summer.

Treat The Weeds

It’s common to find a weed or two (or more) shooting up between the grass blades in your lawn. If there are too many to pull up by hand, you can use a weed killer that is appropriate to the specific weed. Broadleaf weeds are some of the most common; these include dandelions, dollarweed, clovers, and other weeds that can be quite invasive.

There are liquid weed killers that can be sprayed onto the offending plant and there are also granular weed-and-feed forms that you can buy. Talk to a professional about the best products to buy and the best times to use them.

Performing lawn care tasks on your own can be a fully rewarding experience when you step out of the house and see that the green space is neat, tidy, and flourishing. If you have less time on your hands to do the work, however, there’s always the option of calling in the experts to take care of your lawn for you.

With their tools, equipment, and industry experience, lawn care specialists can help you achieve your dream of living in a home with a beautiful, healthy lawn all year round.

About the Author: Kenneth Lawrence is a passionate “handyman”. He also values the importance of getting expert help. He visits sites like


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