Goose Pictures

Geese are a group of waterfowl species that belong to the family Anatidae. Not only are they beautiful but there are many interesting things about them. We’ve compiled some of the best goose pictures to show you just how amazing these creatures are.

Snow Goose

The snow goose is a North American goose that gets its name for its snow-white plumage. However, this species actually comes in two different color morphs. The white color morph has a white body with black wing tips along with a pink beak and black “lips”.

The blue color morph on the other hand has a brown body with a white face and is white under its tail. The snow goose breeds on the arctic tundra and is known for traveling in large flocks sometimes that contain several hundred thousand birds.

Goose Pictures


Baby Goose

Like most baby animals baby geese are incredibly cute. Known as goslings they are able to swim, walk, and feed alongside their parents within twenty-four hours of hatching. They will remain with their parents and family group for around one year.

Goose Pictures



Egyptian Goose

The Egyptian goose is native to sub-tropical Africa. This species was actually considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians which is why it was often featured in their artwork.  It has an apricot breast and white patches on its wings along with dark brown patches over its eyes which make it seem like it is wearing glasses.

The Egyptian goose is a popular ornamental bird that has been imported to many areas around the world. And after escaping it has become an invasive species in parts of Western Europe and the United States.

Goose Pictures



Chinese Goose

The Chinese goose is a type of domesticated goose. It is a descendant of the wild swan goose which is native to Asia. This species has a rounded erect knob on its forehead known as a basal knob. It is used for its meat and is well-known for its excellent egg-laying ability. There are two color varieties white and brown.

Goose Pictures



Swan Goose

The swan goose is a large goose species with a long neck. In fact, it is considered to be one of the biggest of all goose species reaching lengths of three feet. It has a black beak, chestnut chest, white throat, and brown crown that reaches its wings.

Both the Chinese and African goose, two domesticated species, were developed from the swan goose. While wild populations are rare in its native range of Mongolia, China, and Russia this species has become domesticated.

Goose Pictures



Canada Goose

The Canada goose is easy to tell apart from other goose species. It has a black neck and head with a white chinstrap along with brown body plumage. Both males and females are identical in appearance however females are slightly smaller than males.

Many people are surprised to know that there are actually seven different subspecies that vary in size and the specific details of their coloration. Because the Canada goose has adapted so well to living near people it is often considered to be a backyard pest. And deterrents range from using alligator decoys to hiring the services of professionally trained “goose dogs,” to scare them away.

Goose Pictures



Canada Geese Flying South

The Canada goose migrates seasonally. Just before the winter, they fly south. And then in the summer, they fly north. Typically Canadian geese will start flying south in September and October.

When flying south they fly in a distinct V-shaped formation with a single goose in the front. This allows the geese behind to benefit from the air currents passing from the leader which makes flying easier for the group. It also allows for more efficient coordination of movement and communication.

Goose Pictures



Canada Goose Nesting

When building a nest, the Canada goose will typically choose an area either close to the water or surrounded by it. The nest itself is shaped like a bowl and lined with goose down, grass, and leaves. Usually, nests are about a foot and a half in diameter. This species is known for being very protective of its nest and won’t hesitate to attack whatever it perceives as a threat.

Goose Pictures



Feeding Bread To Geese

You’ll often see people feeding bread to geese along with other waterfowl such as ducks and swans. While this is of course done with good intentions, it can actually hurt them. Bread contains little if any nutritional value for waterfowl.

It also fills up their stomachs leaving them less likely to eat the foods they need to keep them healthy. And without the proper diet and nutrition, they have a much higher risk of disease and death. Feeding bread to geese can also stop the birds from migrating which may lead to death as well.

Goose Pictures



Goose Eating

Geese are grazers and eat quite a few different types of foods. Aquatic plants, stems, bulbs, and berries are all part of their natural diet. Grass, seeds, shoots, and insects are also commonly eaten by geese as well.

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Gaggle of Geese

What do you call a group of geese? Well when they are on the ground, they are called a gaggle. In-flight they are called a team, skein, or wedge. And if they are flying close together that group is called a plump!

Goose Pictures



White Goose

As you’ve most likely seen in goose pictures there are many varieties of white geese. This is particularly true when it comes to domestic species. The white goose shown here is a domestic type known as the Czech goose.

This is a small variety that was developed in the nineteen fifties and only weighs around eleven pounds or five kilograms. It has a short thick neck that has pronounced feather partings. The Czech goose is typically bred for its egg-laying ability.

Goose Pictures


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