Great blue herons are one of the biggest problems that pond owners face. These birds are not only smart but can easily catch and swallow large numbers of surprisingly big pond fish. Therefore you’ll need to know how to keep blue herons out of your pond in order to prevent your fish from becoming a meal.
Heron Decoys
Great blue herons are territorial and do not tolerate other members of their species in their feeding area. They will confront other herons and chase away any that decide to land near them. Because of this when they see a heron feeding in a pond below as they fly by, they will typically avoid confrontation by finding somewhere else to feed.
You can use this natural behavior to keep blue herons out of your pond by adding a heron decoy to your pond. A decoy will need to be moved periodically to make it seem real. And it should not be used during the breeding season as this may actually attract herons who are looking for a mate.
Pond netting can be used to keep blue herons out of your pond. The mesh netting is placed over the top of the pond to block the heron from actually being able to steal fish. At the same time, netting will also deter many other pond pests such as waterfowl. Netting can help to keep leaves and debris from getting into your pond which can be an issue in the autumn or if your pond is located directly under a tree.
As an added measure of protection for fish, many pond owners add artificial tunnels for them. These provide a safe place for fish to hide if a hungry blue heron does decide to visit and isn’t deterred by other methods. A tunnel can also be used by fish as a shady place to stay cool when there is strong sunlight, particularly in the summer months.
Fishing Line
While it may not be the most attractive choice, fishing line can actually be used to deter herons from your pond. The line can be inter-woven above the pond and attached to poles in order to prevent herons from landing. Another option is to use the fishing line to block off areas where the herons can wade into the water. Or you may want use fishing line in both of these ways.
Scare Them With Water
Herons are well-known for being very wary birds. For this reason, a motion-activated sprinkler can help keep blue herons out of your pond. When the sprinkler detects the motion of a heron landing or walking nearby it will spray a sudden burst of water. Once startled by the stream of water along with the movement and sound of the sprinkler herons typically fly right away.
Start Shopping for Heron Deterrents!
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