Iridescent Birds

Iridescent birds have plumage that can appear to change color depending on the angle at which you are looking at them. This makes these special birds not only unique but also oftentimes amazingly beautiful. So here are the top iridescent bird species you’ll want to learn more about.

Himalayan Monal

Easily one of the most stunning examples of birds with iridescent plumage, the male Himalayan monal’s plumage is made up of twelve different iridescent colors. It’s no wonder it’s the national bird of Nepal. This pheasant resides in the high-altitude forests of the Himalayan Mountains.

Iridescent Birds



Feral Pigeon

Because of their preference for scavenging for food and nesting in urban areas feral pigeons are considered pest birds around the world. Therefore many people often overlook the beauty of the iridescent feathers on their necks and wingtips. Typically female feral pigeons have less intense iridescence than males.

Iridescent Birds



Straw-Necked Ibis

The straw-necked Ibis is a large Australasian bird that gets its name from the straw-like feathers on its neck. The darkly colored wings and surrounding area on this species show a beautiful iridescence when in the sunlight. Because it feeds on locusts and other agricultural pests the straw-necked ibis is a welcome sight for many farmers.

Iridescent Birds



Common Grackle

The common grackle is a blackbird with an iridescent blue head. However female grackles show less iridescence than males. Because this North American species often feeds on grain it is considered by many to be a pest.

Iridescent Birds



Nicobar Pigeon

A shy bird, the Nicobar pigeon inhabits the dense forests of Southern Asia and the Malay Archipelago.  And if you’re lucky enough to see one it is a sight to behold.  This large pigeon species is an iridescent green bird except for its grey head and chest along with its pure white tail.

Iridescent Birds



European Starling

This is an iridescent black bird with shades of purple or green along with white spots that cover its entire body. This is a European species that was introduced to North America along with many other countries and has become incredibly abundant. It forms large flocks which can cause crop damage and be a threat to aircraft.

Iridescent Birds



Indian Peafowl

The male Indian peafowl is also called the peacock. It is an iridescent blue bird with an extravagant tail that fans out when courting a female. The female peafowl is known as the peahen and while it has a green iridescent neck it is dull in appearance compared to the male.

Iridescent Birds



Superb Starling

This is a small iridescent bird with a black head, metallic bluish-green wings and back, and red-a orange belly. It is native to East Africa and has quite a large range. Because it is unafraid of humans it can often be found living in close proximity to human habitations.

Iridescent Birds



Golden-Breasted Starling

This species can be identified by its iridescent green head, violet wings, yellow breast, and long tail. It is a social bird that lives in small groups for much of the year. The golden-breasted starling is native to Northeastern Africa. And in contrast to other starlings, it has a diet that is made up of mainly insects and termites.

Iridescent Birds



Violet-Backed Starling

The violet-backed starling is found in sub-Saharan Africa and has three recognized subspecies. It is also known as the amethyst starling or plum-colored starling. This species is highly sexually dimorphic. So while the male is iridescent violet with a white breast the female is a brown bird with a white breast that is streaked in dark brown.

Iridescent Birds



Cuban Emerald Hummingbird

The Cuban emerald hummingbird is known for its tame behavior when around people. It feeds on nectar and insects and can be found in the western Bahamas, Cuba, and Isle of Pines. The male is an almost completely green iridescent hummingbird except for a white spot behind its eye and a white patch on its belly.

Iridescent Birds



Ring-Necked Pheasant

While it is native to Asia and Europe the ring-necked pheasant has been introduced around the world.  That’s because these famous iridescent birds are highly sought after by hunters around the globe. The males have a thin white ring on their neck (for which they are named), green head with a red wattle, and golded body plumage that has a purple and green iridescent sheen.

Iridescent Birds


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