It can take years of planting and care to create a magnificent garden. That’s why the prospect of relocating or moving houses can induce anxiety in gardeners. Whether you plant ornamentals, or if you grow your own vegetables, having to start over can be a daunting task. Many gardeners and hobbyists also keep expensive or heirloom plants, that may be difficult to replace. Here are some suggestions for safely relocating your plants to your new home.
Check Laws
If you’re just moving across town, this probably isn’t a big deal, but there are often very specific restrictions on what you can move across state lines or even international boundaries. It’s imperative that you don’t introduce any invasive species to a new area, and to make sure that you aren’t bringing any pests or diseases with you. Contact your local department of agriculture to find out what you can and can’t bring with you.
Prepare Your New Plot
If you have access to your new house ahead of the move, see if you can’t do a little bit of work preparing your garden beds for the plants you are choosing to bring. Be particularly attentive to drainage issues, as improper draining can be a nightmare to deal with.
It may be possible to come to an agreement with the person buying your existing home about the fact that you wish to return to remove some of the plants at a later time, especially if you’re moving when the weather will be harder on the plants.
Get The Roots
When removing the plants, you want to make sure that you get as much of the root as possible. Thoroughly soak the roots the day before you plan to remove them to make sure the plant is well-hydrated, and to help loosen the soil.
If they’re not going to be out of the ground for long, you can line some cardboard boxes with plastic and put the plants you wish to keep in there with plenty of soil. If you’re making a longer trip, you may want to consider potting the plants to help protect them during the move.
Handle With Care
Check with your moving company to see if they will move your plants. Even if they will, you may want to move them yourself so you know that they are being properly cared for. Keep the plants out of direct sunlight and as cool as you can.
Leaving them in the back of the car on a hot summer day is a great way to wilt them quickly. Make sure that they are packed loosely and that other items you’re moving don’t crush or damage them.
Plant Them Quickly
You will want to get your plants back in the ground as quickly as possible. The best time to replant them is in the evening hours when it is cooler and they will have the whole night to soak up water before the sun hits them the next day. The longer they are out of the ground, the more likely it will be that they have difficulty adjusting to their new home. Be sure to cover them with a thick layer of mulch to help retain moisture.
Tend Them Carefully
Once in the ground, inspect the plants for any damaged leaves, branches, or stems, and remove the damaged ones so that they don’t sap resources from the healthy parts of the plant. You may want to find a way to shade them for the first few days to allow the root system to re-establish itself before exposing the plants to direct sunlight. Pay attention to any signs of wilting and water immediately if necessary.
Remember that any time you remove a plant from its home, you will shock the entire plant. Don’t be surprised if some of your plants seem to lose some of their vitality for weeks, or possibly even the rest of the season. Feed your plants as necessary, and give them plenty of time to adjust. It may be next spring before they return to their former glory, but when they do, it will have been worth it.
Author Bio:
Elizabeth Lee is a content expert and a blogger specializing in the areas of business and logistics, but also enjoying lighter topics like self-improvement, travel or gardening. Currently writing for PACK & SEND, Elizabeth might often be found online, sharing her tips with businesses and individuals alike. Feel free to follow her at @LelizabethLee86.
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