Unknown to most property owners, a healthy, beautiful landscape won’t require many resources for its maintenance. With the adequate planning and the proper usage of resources, you can actually build an enticing landscape without requiring much of your effort and time. Experts in landscaping have shared some tips to achieve a garden that is not just pleasing to the eye but easy to care for as well.

Begin Right

Prior to planning which plants to grow, you need to have an in-depth understand of your location, taking into consideration the light, weather, soil conditions, and climate.

Being aware of these factors will help you come up with better choices in terms of choosing which plants to grow. Also, if you have plants matching these important factors, you will actually save a significant amount of resources.

Add Shrubs and Trees

Plenty of property owners would not mind planting trees and shrubs in their yard because it will take quite a long time to reap the benefits of these. But if you are going to stay in your property for many years, you will certainly be rewarded with the great benefits these offer.


Always Plan to Succeed

Healthy, beautiful landscapes aren’t built randomly. It is highly recommended for you to develop a simple sketch of the property before proceeding with landscaping. Add essential features such as trees and garden elements in it.

From there, create a master plan that will guide you in determining the right position for the new elements you would like to add later on.

Avoid Spreading Your Resources Too Thin

Rather, consider focusing on 1 or 2 areas in the garden offering the greatest impact.

Install Borders

You need to create borders for your perennials, shrubs, and vegetable beds. This will actually help you in keeping the grass and weeds at bay. Also, this will give your landscape a clean look.

Create a Sense of Unity

Unity is indeed among the important elements of landscape design. Grouping similar plants together is the best way of achieving this. Also, this can lessen the hassles linked with plants having different requirements.

Practice Composting

Compost will give the soil essential nutrients that plants will need for them to grow healthy. Remember that when you have healthy plants, minimal care will only be required.

Prune Shrubs and Trees Regularly

Oftentimes, shrubs and trees have a tendency to have a mind of their own. They grow in areas where you do not intend them to. It is for this very reason that you must trim your shrubs and trees on a regular basis, preferably during spring before they bloom.

About the author: Kenneth Lawrence is a passionate “handyman”. But he also values the importance of getting expert help whenever necessary. He visits sites like http://www.shannonlandscaping.com and shares guidelines and tips about stuff on home improvement like lawn care and landscaping.


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