Stork Pictures

Storks are tall wading birds with long legs and necks. These amazing birds have many fascinating things about them. And we’ve compiled some of the top stork pictures to help show you just how interesting and beautiful they are.

White Stork

The white stork has a body that is mainly white in color except for the black on its wings. This species also has a distinct long red beak and long red legs. It is widespread over Europe yet winters in Africa and Iberia. It is actually the species stork that gave rise to the legend that the stork delivers babies.

Stork Pictures



Black Stork

The majority of the black stork’s plumage is black, which is how it gets its name. This species has a red beak and also red legs. One of its most stunning features however is the greenish-purple iridescent sheen on its plumage. The sheen is the easiest to see after the bird molts in the spring and has new feathers.

Stork Pictures



Shoebill Stork

The shoebill is named for its enormous beak. However, despite being commonly called a stork, it’s NOT a stork after all. Recent evidence actually places it in the pelican family. This bluish-grey bird is a predator and its large beak allows it to catch and eat prey which is quite substantial in size.

Stork Pictures



Saddle-Billed Stork

This African stork is one of the tallest stork species. It has a huge beak that is red with a black band along with a yellow “saddle,” for which it gets its name. The saddle-billed stork also has a yellow iris and is a close relative of the black-necked stork.

Stork Pictures



Wood Stork

The wood stork looks similar to an ibis. And in the past, it was actually known as the wood ibis. However, it is a true stork. This species has a large range that includes North, Central, and South America along with the Caribbean. In the United States, it is considered a threatened species.

Stork Pictures



White Stork In Flight

The white stork is often seen soaring high up in the air. This is a tactic for saving energy.  Instead of constantly flapping its wings it uses the uplift of air thermals and soars or glides instead. White storks use this method, particularly when flying long distances such as during migration.

Stork Pictures



Wood Stork Nest Guarded By Parent

The wood stork nests in colonies that are made up of a large number of other storks. They build their stick nests in trees with many members of the colony nesting in the same tree. Young chicks younger than three weeks of age are never left alone, one parent will always keep guard while the other goes out to find food.

Stork Pictures



White Stork Nest

The white stork makes large nests out of sticks. The same nests are typically used year after year. Nests are several feet wide and up to six feet deep. This species often nests in close proximity to people. While they do nest on rocks, old trees, and nesting platforms they also will nest on rooftops and even chimneys.

Stork Pictures



Marabou Stork Beak

Storks have beaks that are large or even extra-large in size. The size and shape of the beak that a specific stork species has depends on its diet. For example, the marabou stork shown below has a beak that helps it to pull the meat out from deep inside the carcasses of dead animals.

Stork Pictures



Painted Stork Eating Fish

The painted stork feeds mainly on fish which it catches by sweeping its beak from side to side under the water. Its beak has a slight downward curve similar to that of an ibis which helps it to grab its food. In the past, because of its beak shape, the painted stork was actually considered to be part of the ibis family.

Stork Pictures



Tall Stork

While most storks are tall, the marabou stork is very tall. This large bird can reach heights of around five feet. It also has an incredibly wide wingspan as well, with some individuals having a span of over ten feet. The marabou stork is a scavenger often feeding on dead animals.

Stork Pictures



Woolly-Necked Stork

While woolly-necked stork pictures are not as common as those of other species, the appearance of this large bird is no less stunning. It has a unique fluffy white neck for which it gets its name. The rest of the body is black in addition to a black skull cap on its head.

Stork Pictures


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