There’s no arguing the importance of keeping turf properly hydrated; watering is an essential aspect of lawn care. Gardeners point out, however, that this activity should be done strategically to ensure the best benefits.

For proper watering, here are the most important tips to observe.

Water Early In The Day

Doing this will allow the plants and soil full absorption of water. If you water when the sun’s up and hot, water will evaporate quickly, leaving just a small amount of moisture for soil and grass to use in able to stay healthy.

Don’t Water Overnight

While this may seem like the smarter practice to avoid water evaporation during the day, watering overnight tends to do harm more than good. Why? An abundant source of water attracts all kinds of backyard pests.

You name it: gophers, raccoons, rats, and other tiny, creepy crawlies (and over the summers, even big wild animals!). You may be doing your grass and plants good by keeping them hydrated at night, but you will also be attracting elements that are not only harmful to your turf but to your family as well.



Water Slowly

This places less stress on grass and plants. You can’t be dumping water on them. When you observe this tip, it’s best to section your lawn into zones and then concentrate on each zone for a given period of time for effective watering.

Water Evenly

This is a difficult one, especially if you’re going about the task manually. However, expert gardeners say there’s one tried and true way of seeing if your reticulation system is watering your lawn evenly. You need to place empty cups in the different zones of your lawn.

After a watering session, see if these cups are filled with almost the same amounts of water. If they are, then your lawn is being watered evenly regularly.


Water Less Frequently

Proper watering is never about how often you do it; it’s how you do it. Instead of watering often, make sure that you water deeply. Create adequate moisture underneath so that even when it gets insanely hot and topsoil appears parched, roots actually have enough source of hydration underneath the surface.

An additional tip: To determine if you already need to water your lawn, step on the grass. If your footsteps don’t disappear right away, that means your turf is already in need of deep watering.

There you have it, wise watering tips for experienced gardeners. You not only get to keep your lawn healthy with these tips, but you can also slash your water bill.

About the Author: Kenneth Lawrence is a passionate “handyman”. But he also values the importance of getting expert help whenever necessary. He visits sites like


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