With roughly 40 different species, crows are a common sight in most places around the world. And while most of us are familiar with their appearance and harsh vocalizations, their diet is not as obvious. So what do crows eat? Here’s what you’ll want to know.
What Do Crows Eat in the Wild?
Crows are omnivores and will eat just about anything they can to survive. However, the majority of their diet is actually made up of plants and vegetables with corn being a particular favorite (which can cause conflict with farmers). In addition, they consume wheat, sorghum, a range of fruits, seeds, berries, and nuts.
Crows are skilled at catching live prey too. And they regularly eat invertebrates such as worms, caterpillars, millipedes, and spiders, along with a large range of insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, beetle larvae, and many more.
Small rodents, snakes, lizards, frogs, salamanders, fish, and shellfish are all on the menu as well. Crows also eat bird eggs and even immature birds. Crows are scavengers and will feed on human trash, and any dead animals they come across. As opportunistic feeders, they will steal meals from other birds whenever they can.
What Do Crows Eat in the Winter?
In the winter crows will sometimes still occasionally dig around in the dirt and grass for both insects and worms. However, as the winter months set in insects, invertebrates, and other live prey items are typically harder to find.
For this reason in the winter crows eat more plant matter, nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables than during other parts of the year. But of course, they won’t hesitate to scavenge or prey on injured or sick animals if the opportunity presents itself.
Crows also hoard foods like nuts, grains, and seeds prior to the arrival of low wintertime temperatures as a reserve for when food becomes scarce and they will feed on these when needed. Winter crows may visit bird tables and bird feeders for meals as well in addition to consuming human garbage.
What to Feed Crows?
For those who would like to feed crows, there are many options. To attract them initially you’ll want to place a recognizable food in an open area that crows can see. Shelled peanuts are a popular choice for getting crows to come and feed for the first few times. Some examples of food items that crows are particularly keen on are pieces of fish, chicken, meat scraps, and liver.
These birds appreciate eggs in all forms including scrambled, boiled, and raw. Nuts such as shelled or unshelled and unsalted peanuts, acorns, almonds, and walnuts along with various seeds such as sunflower seeds are also a good idea. Crows like to eat dry pet food. And grains such as brown bread and rice can help to supplement their diet as well.
Fruits such as apples, figs, cherries, and grapes along with vegetables like corn and peas are also healthy choices for feeding crows. Note that salty and processed foods should be avoided.
What Eats Crows?
While they are predators themselves, crows can also be prey for various animals. Coyotes, foxes, wolves, weasels, and humans all hunt crows. Although humans don’t typically eat them. Crows are also prey for larger predatory birds such as eagles, owls, and hawks.
And more specifically great horned owls, long-eared owls, sharp-shinned hawks, Cooper’s hawks, and red-tailed hawks all actively target crows. Rattlesnakes, bobcats, domestic cats, and raccoons will hunt and eat crows as well.
Do Crows Eat Other Birds?
Crows not only eat the eggs of other birds, but also their young, and sometimes adult birds as well. Once they find an occupied nest containing baby birds crows will hide in wait until the parent birds go out in search of food. When they do the crows will either gobble up the defenseless babies right there or steal them away to be eaten in another location.
In addition to young birds, crows will also eat adult birds of smaller species such as various sparrows, finches, and canaries. And of course, as scavengers, crows will eat dead birds of any size and species that they come across.
Do Crows Eat Ticks?
Many birds such as chickens, grouse, and turkeys for example are fond of eating ticks. And crows are certainly no exception. Since crows enthusiastically eat insects, it’s no big surprise that they consume ticks, too. Ticks, are actually highly nutritious and brimming with protein and fat. Crows are particularly drawn to bigger ticks and they frequently feast on moose ticks, deer ticks, and Lone Star ticks.
These protein-rich bloodsuckers help to contribute to a well-rounded and balanced crow diet. Some crow species will even eat ticks that are already attached and actively feeding on the blood of larger animals such as deer, cows, and wallabies. These animals will allow the crows land near or even on them and enjoy a tasty meal in exchange for freeing them of these pests. This type of feeding is known as symbiotic cleaning.
Can Crows Eat Dog Food?
Feeding crows both wet and dry dog food is totally fine. Dog food can offer crows complete nutrition and as an added benefit for those who wish to feed crows regularly, dry food is typically inexpensive. Crows love kibble however because it is hard they prefer to soak it in water first.
So if you are planning to provide your backyard crows with dry dog food be sure to also provide them with water for soaking it as well. If not they will most likely fly away and soak it themselves in a birdbath or pond. Or you may want to soften it up first by soaking the kibble yourself before you give it to the crows to eat. Smaller pieces of kibble are safer as they help to prevent choking.
Can Crows Eat Cat Food?
Similar to dog food, crows can also eat wet and dry cat food. Both are highly nutritious for these birds. Dry cat food, like dry dog food, should be provided with water so it can be soaked and allowed to soften by the birds themselves or presoaked in water by you first. Because dry cat food is typically smaller than dry dog food it provides less of a choking hazard.
Do Crows Eat Squirrels?
Crows do eat squirrels. However, healthy adult squirrels are not on the menu as they are too dangerous and could potentially inflict serious injury on a crow. Instead, crows will raid squirrel nests and eat baby squirrels when their parents are away. And as scavengers, they will not pass up an opportunity to eat dead, seriously injured, or dying squirrels.
Crows will also sometimes attack squirrels however this is done to keep them away from valuable food sources as they are seen as competition, or to protect their own eggs and young from being eaten by squirrels.
Start Shopping for Crow Food!
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