Why Are Crows Black

American crows are birds with all-black plumage. But why are crows black? Well, there are several reasons. Read on to find out.

Bird Color Basics

Birds are some of the most colorful creatures on the planet. And they come in an amazing range of colors from white to black and almost everything. Specific pigments in its feathers determine a bird’s color. Different pigments create the appearance of different colors. Some pigments may come from the bird’s diet.

For example, flamingos get their vibrant pink color from consuming the pigment astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is found in the algae, crustaceans, and other tiny organisms that flamingos eat. If flamingos don’t eat a diet rich in astaxanthin, they are often a pale pink or white.

Other pigments, such as melanin (one of the most essential pigments), are produced by a bird’s body itself. Melanin comes in two types: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is responsible for creating black and dark brown colored feathers in birds, while pheomelanin is responsible for creating brownish-red and yellow colored feathers.

American crows have a high concentration of eumelanin in their feathers. And that’s why they appear black to us. However, just how black a crow’s plumage is can also be influenced by genetics and even their environment.

Why Are Crows Black



Benefits Of Black Plumage

Having black feathers is beneficial for crows. Their black color helps them to survive in many ways. And that’s most likely why they evolved to have their all-black plumage. Brightly colored birds often stand out in their environment, making it easier for predators to spot them.

However, when providing camouflage, black is a perfect color. It helps crows to blend in and hide from predators in the shadows and dark forests. If you look closely, their black feathers also have an iridescent sheen. This reflects light and makes it harder for hungry predators to pick them out from their surroundings.

Having black feathers helps keep crows warm during the chilly winter months, even with little sunlight. Black absorbs a broader range of wavelengths of light than other feather colors. And none of it is reflected. So crows can absorb and retain more heat from the sun than other non-black birds.

Interestingly, black feathers can also help crows regulate their body temperature more efficiently in hot conditions. One of the ways birds cool down is through radiative cooling. And while they do absorb more heat, at the same time, black feathers radiate heat away from the body more effectively.

This allows crows to lower their body temperature by a few degrees when it gets too hot. Black feathers are also more robust and more durable than feathers of colors. That’s because the pigment (eumelanin) that makes them black also happens to reinforce the structure of the feathers, making them more durable and resistant.

Why Are Crows Black


Other Crow Colors

Are all crows black? American crows are almost always black birds. However, depending on the lighting, they can appear anywhere from blue to purple because they have an iridescent sheen. And while it is rare, some  American crows may also have white plumage.

For example, genetic conditions such as albinism, leucism, and piebaldism can cause a crow to have patches of white or even totally white plumage. Not only are these conditions rare, but these birds don’t usually live long since predators easily spot them, and they may suffer from various health problems.

While in North America the term “crow,” almost always means the American crow, they aren’t the only crows. There are many other crow species around the world and not all of them are totally black. For example, the hooded crow has a gray head and black body.

Another crow species, the pied crow, is mostly black but has a white collar and white underparts. And its markings almost make it look like it’s wearing a white vest. And the bare-faced crow has a white or gray face with no feathers and a mostly black body and wings.


So why are crows black? Crows are black because they have an abundance of the pigment eumelanin in their feathers. And having all-black plumage helps them to survive in various ways, from helping them to regulate their body temperature to providing camouflage.


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